Managing Director

Mrs Kamlesh Meena
Astrologer Kamlesh Meena is a famous astrologer, known for its accuracy in predictions. She has learned the science and articulated in it such a manner that it becomes easy to understand. Her predictions are accurate. Her Remedies have benefitted many and the number of her follower is multiplying daily. She is based at Jaipur, but her name has travelled globally. She is very famous and renowned astrologer in India, U.S.A, Australia, Parts of Eastern Europe and in many other countries.
She is also a clinical Hypnotherapist from University of California. She also conducts Past Life Regression Therapy, identifies Karmic debts. She also helps people to identify their purpose of life.
She also has undertaken Numerology learning and has inculcated an inner depth of understating of what future lies for you.
She also has mastered the new fusion science of Asto-Vastu.
Our Associate Profeesors

Mrs Anu Sharma
Astrologer Anu Sharma is an astrologer, based at Pune. She is an independet astrologer with indepth knoledge of vedic astrology , BNN , Lal Kitab, Prashan Kundali etc. She has a good record of predictions that have come true .
She also has undertaken Numerology learning and has inculcated an inner depth of understating of what future lies for you.
She also has mastered the new fusion science of Asto-Vastu.