If you are facing problems in life related to job, marriage, finance, education, business, service etc just consult astrologer. Consult Astrologer with accurate predictions at an affordable price 

Professional Consultations

We are pool of professional people and provide solution to assist humanity to gain most of our life on earth via ascertaining future probable events and preparing ourself. We provide consultation at very nominal charges in following fields.


With the help of BNN we can predict with accuracy and help you gains insight into your life problems, reduce pains and sorrow, prepare for upcoming events and happier life.


Number have its own vibrations and contributes an influence on one’s life. We adopt Chaldean system to predict the influence of numbers on your life, solve your problems and predict future.


Clinical hypnotherapy session can be undertaken for a healthy mind where we read your subconscious mind and let you escape from the entangled event or act. 


We conduct this therapy to help you resolve past life karmic events that have been carried forward in your present life. Kindly note the sessions can be lengthy too.

Consult Astrologer Online Now! 

Consultation – Sessions & Charges

Time is precious for you as well as us. The charges and session time is shared below for your information. You can consult astrologer online also. Book an appointment first. Book Now!


Consult Astrologer


Session Time

30 Minutes

Wait Time: 10 Minutes


₹ 2100 per session


3-5 questions per session

Keep your questions handy

Focus on key problems

Consult Numerology

Session Time

30 Minutes

Wait Time: 10 Minutes

₹ 2500 per session

3-5 questions per session

Keep your questions handy

Focus on key problems

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Session Time

60 Minutes

Wait Time: 15 Minutes

₹ 3500 per session

Focus on key problems

Multiple Sessions may be required

Past Life Regression

Session Time

120 Minutes

Wait Time: 15 Minutes

₹ 5100 per session

Keep your problems specific

Focus on Past Life Karmas

Sessions can take more time

Client Testimonials

Just hear from our clients what they say about us:

Chintan Meena consultancy
Chintan Meena

Thank you for predicting about my job and my marriage. Your predictions were right. Your remedies really worked and helped me to get the job. You sorted my marriage issues too. Indebted for lifetime. Thank you very much.


Lavina Santgani

Changing the way you spell or write your name can bring such a change in ones life. I never knew it. Thanks Kamlesh you have been like Avtar for me. I got my job after 14 years of wait due to the remedies told by you. You are the best. 

Astrology & Numerology

Anita Goyal
Anita Goyal

Frustrated by very thought of acting in a strange manner on certain event, I made my mind to resolve it. An insight into past to overcome that reaction has helped me improve my life. Thank you Kamlesh ji, Recommended for PLR

Past Life Regression

Tarun Jeph
Tarun Jeph

Thank you Kamlesh ji for a very productive and insightful session. I had always been interested in psychoanalysis but never imagined it could be this effective. It helped me understanding myself better and take remedial steps

Clinical Hypnotherphy

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